Monday, April 25, 2016

Mother's Day Giveaway with Spicer Bags!

Spicer Bags Cork bags

Raise your hand if you feel lucky to have your mom. Meeeeee! Mine is seriously just the best. It kind of feels unfair that I ended up with such a good one. And the truth be told, I should be more appreciative of how much she cares about me! Plus she agreed to take some super fun blog pictures with me.
In honor of Mother's Day, I've got a really fun giveaway planned that would be a special gift for your mom and the perfect segway to tell her just how much you love her. Scroll down to see what you could win!

Spicer Bags

White blouse with cutoff shorts

White Cork Tote Bag

Cork handbags

Spicer Bags handbags

White polka dot tote bag

Cutoff Jean shorts with cork clutch

Spicer Bags are just so freaking fabulous. Their handmade cork clutches, totes and purses are so adorable, made in the United States and they also use American-made materials whenever possible. Plus the cork material is eco-friendly. I love the beautiful touches each style has like metallic gold flecks, painted multi-color and mosaic designs, denim materials, the list goes on. Plus did you know that Spicer Bags is run by a Mother-Daughter duo? I mean how cool would it be to design bags with your mom all day long. Dream come true! 

Spicer Bags Mother's Day Giveaway

To top everything off, Spicer Bags has oh so graciously offered a fantastic giveaway for BAD readers and their moms! We're giving away 1 Boot Tote in white cork AND 1 Folio Clutch in dash gold. One for you AND one for your mom! All you have to do is enter below. The more times you enter, the better your chances of winning are. I hope this brightens up your Monday morning just a teeny bit. 

Now go call your Mom and tell her how much you love her!