Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Apricot Lane Durham Grand Opening Celebration

This past Thursday and Friday I got to participate in my first event as an official Triangle Blogger! After moving here, I discovered TriFABB, an entire community of Triangle fashion, beauty and food bloggers (and then released a collective sigh of relief when I discovered I wasn't alone!)
Molly from Still Being Molly (and co-founder of TriFABB) emailed me over the 4th of July asking if I wanted to participate in Apricot Lane Durham's grand opening celebration which included (eeeeeek) a fashion show! The event also benefited Transforming Hope Ministries. I was a bit hesitant about the runway part but decided to join in on the festivities anyways. And boy am I glad I did!
Thursday, Apricot Lane held a private event for us bloggers where we got to mingle and pick our looks for Saturday's fashion show. I was excited to finally meet some fashion/beauty/food lovers in this area and do some damage shopping! Apricot Lane is super cute and also super budget friendly! They've got tons in different areas so check out the locations to see if your state/city has one.
Me with (L-R) Rebecca from Rebecca Lately, Elise from Among Hills, Lauren from Almost Casual (you guys have to check out this foodie lovers posts! Her recipes look phenom!) & fellow budget shopper Lee from Everyday Fashion by Lee
Just a few of the looks I tried on for the fashion show
I became obsessed with this nude and neon beaded high-low dress from the moment I saw it - it's totally gorgeous in person!
Remember all those downpours I've been talking complaining about for the last 8 weeks? Well our show was supposed to take place outside and of course the rain decided to make another appearance. Which meant the fashion show had to be canceled - big fat bummer. However, we weren't going to let that stop us. We got have our makeup done, live modeled our looks at the store, snapped some photos and just made the most of the afternoon. It was a lot of fun and I am so happy to have made some new friends!
Getting my makeup done by the fabulous Corbin at Bare Escentuals - she gave me some amazing tips too!

Ta-Da! This was the final look chosen for me - I LOVED it! Especially the bedazzles arm openings. And I was obsessed with my makeup... I could seriously get used to someone doing that every day ;)
Just a few of us (L-R)
Brooke, Amy, Molly, Mia, Lee & Rebecca

So excited that Amy has joined us in the Triangle! Been following her blog for a few months and I hope we can get to know each other better.

All of the girls with Erin, Apricot Lane's manager
How pretty is this dress!!! So gorgeous
All in all it was a fantastic experience and I am super happy to have discovered this group of ladies. Thanks TriFABB for including BAD! :)
{photos that aren't mine are via Molly & Apricot Lane}


  1. This was fun Nikki! You look amazing in all the dress' you tried on. Can't wait for the next TriFabb event!


  2. you look so amazing! i hope you got that hi-low dress....gorgeous!!!


  3. So pretty! Do they have an Apricot Lane in Dallas? Because I would SO be there:)

  4. yay!!!!!! you looked amazing, nikki!!! thanks again for coming and it was SO fab to meet you :)

  5. You look gorgeous in all of these looks, but especially this green beauty~ <3

  6. Super fun event! Wish I could have been there to join in the fun - you look fab!

  7. LOVE that high low dress!!



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