Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Headed East/Update

As I write this post from my cell phone, traveling through Arizona, our entire lives packed in 2 pods & our 4Runner, I am a mixed ball of emotions. It's really happening. We're leaving sunny gorgeous LA to head back home to NC. Bill's got a great gig lined up and (praise the Lord) we'll be closer to family. But I can't help feeling super sad. So many amazing memories in this crazy-but-fabulous town. (the smell of the ocean from my front door and 75 degree winter days are 2 favs I will not forget) but what's probably the hardest thing is leaving behind our SoCal friends who really turned into our family over these past few years. They're all very special people. But I'm really trying to remind myself to look to the future during this transition and what that means for us.

So as we travel cross country and start to get settled into our new lives I'll be posting a bit less frequently. But just bear with me. I promise I'll be back real soon! In the mean time, follow me on Instagram & Twitter for our road trip adventure!

And if we met at LuckyFABB, I can't wait to share this next new step with you too!! xoxo


  1. Good luck pretty lady! What a great way to go out of LA with none other than LuckyFABB! Best of luck on your trip across country. If you make it through Dallas please please please drop me a note. Best, Lauren/PRBlonde

  2. good luck lady! you will do amazing things in NC! SO great meeting you at FABB! Good luck!


  3. Safe travels, Nikki!! Best of luck on this next adventure!

  4. every new beginning is scary especially leaving the known behind, but home is where the heart is, so good luck on your trip back home! sounds like you had a blast at luckyfabb. xo


  5. yay for coming back to the South! :) We need to meet sometime!!! Travel safely!!!

  6. Enjoy the adventure headed east doll! We can't wait to have you and fabulous new memories and adventures await!


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